Saturday, May 9, 2009


The Cigar Chomping Conservative is a forum where I, a humble cigar salesman and student of the U.S. Constitution will write commentary on government, politics, and our society, mixed with cigar reviews.

My principles are that the founders of the United States were learned men of exceptional vision, and that the constitution they created is one of mankind's greatest documents. I also hold that the Constitution is the foundation of our country, and that the closer our government stays to the Constitution, the the more healthy and vital our country will be, and that the more we stray from the original intent of the Constitution, the the more unhealthy or country and society will become, and the more our liberties will be sold off, one by one, for a few crusts of bread which will soon be gone.

Most of my posts will be about the events of the day, and will be viewed through my constitutional lens. Other times I will write on topics of a more general nature.

So read and enjoy, and if you don't enjoy, at least think with the rational mind and not react with the emotions of the gut.

Larry Hill

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